Dr. Farshchian,
My name is E.G., I am a 64 year old. I played 11 years in pro-football. Doctor 2 years ago you worked on my left shoulder that had no cartilage in the joint and all other doctors that I conferred with, told me that shoulder replacement was the only answer. Thanks to your great work on my shoulder, I am now pain free and have a lot better range of motion. I can play golf and I am also doing a little weight lifting. You did a great job, thank you.
April 2007 Dear Wonderful People, You all spread the love so generously like butter on bread – so I baked you
a way of special "Bonnie Bread" as it is called in my family, to thank you for all you have done for me. All my heart,
April 24, 2006 Dear Center for Regenerative Medicine, We are so grateful to you. You gave my 94 year old husband a new lease on life.
When we came to you, he was losing ground. Today he is in great shape because you treat the whole body.
I am certain that the injections in his knees are working. Thanks to you he is a new man.You and your staff do so much to make your patients and their families and friends comfortable. Your office is a relaxing place to visit. The attention given is so important.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Everything you do is greatly appreciated.
Dear Doctor Alimorad Farshchian:I’m running for the first time in 7 years.
Thanks to your injections in my hips and low back in January 2005. I'm running again for the first time in seven years, After your treatments last winter, I continued using supplements for three months while receiving a Rolfing series to loosen up the adhesions around my joints.
Again, thanks for helping me regain a quality life. It’s as if I've awakened out of a bad dream.
It was nice to see you and all of your staff.Since my mother (Mrs. Enomoto) had your treatment, her pain has stopped
and she is going to prepare for the next group exhibition in May (she is a calligrapher).We very much appreciate all you have done for us and we hope to see you again
It was nice to see you and all of your staff.
Since my mother (Mrs. Enomoto) had your treatment, her pain has stopped and she is going to prepare for the next group exhibition in May (she is a calligrapher). We very much appreciate all you have done for us and we hope to see you again.Please send our regards to Marie, Keera,…….who helped with our requests.
Dear Center for Regenerative Medicine,You are truly a Godsend to me. Let me explain. Yoga has been my passion for over 20 years. Approximately two years ago my right hip started giving me pain...after X-rays & an MRI, I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis. The pain was getting worse and I had absolutely
no relief, even after seeing 4 orthopedic surgeons, 4 physical therapists, 2 chiropractic physicians, an acupuncturist and an osteopath specializing in pain management. I thought I was doomed for a hip replacement. To me this was out of the question!A good friend of mine saw your ad in a magazine and she immediately contacted me. After our consultation you suggested injections in my hip as well as therapy in your office. To date I have had 4 injections along with the therapy and the pain is almost completely gone. I am walking
without a limp and have resumed my yoga practice.Thank you for being such a gentle and kind doctor.
I also want to thank your staff. They have always been most polite and pleasant in a very professional manner to me. You are clearly a miracle to me sent from God and I thank Him every day for the healing you have done on my hip.Love, Joy, Hope and Peace to you, Dr. Farshchian, and may the Lord's blessings surround you always.
With warm regards,
February 9, 2006
Dear Dr. Alimorad Farshchian;
In 2001 I arrived at your clinic with pain in my right knee. A knee that had received various diagnosis’ from various physicians, all of whom recommended knee replacement.
You were the only one to say NO to surgery and to recommend repairing the damaged
Knee with your LAJRAN procedure. At the time I was using a wheelchair.
We started a series of injections and almost immediately I felt benefits and result. Five years have past and now I walk perfectly and without pain.Not only have I consulted you for my Osteoarthritis but for other ailments
Not related and you have always been exact with you diagnosis and treatment. I consulted you about my back pain, you changed my shoes and three days later I have no more back pain. I am grateful to you for being such a professional and so compassionate.I applaud your humanitarian efforts and wish you continued success.
I cannot forget to mention your endearing staff, all of whom go out of their way to make one feel comfortable.
Thank you Dr. Farshchian and staff.
With sincere appreciation,
Before I came to see you I was told I was not fit for the US Navy by a Navy doctor. Now only two months after coming to your facility I was told by another Navy doctor that I am fully qualified for active duty. P.S. Thank you for saving my career in the Navy. I just got promoted two days ago to lieutenant commander. Thank you, lieutenant commander JSB PHD