Dear Dr. Alimorad Farshchian,I’m sorry it took me so long to thank you for restoring function to my knee without the need for intrusive surgery. Since I last communicated with you, my wife and I have sold our house in New Smyrna Beach, shipped our household goods to the Philippines,moved to Timog Park which is adjacent to the former Clark Air Force Base (now an international airport and Asian hub for FedEx &UPS, bought a house, completely renovated it, and fulfilled all the immigration requirements for permanent residence. Needless to say, it literally took us almost one year to get it all done. We are now settled in and enjoying our retirement.
I followed your instructions faithfully about taking it easy, using the cane and Knee support. I have been sticking to a strict regimen of daily doses of supplements,and I also started daily exercises for strengthening the knee. I am very happy to report now that I no longer find it necessary to use the cane except on long walks; I am riding my bicycle and walking normally without pain. And, my wife and I even do a little dancing at the club on Friday evenings.
Once again, I am so glad that I decided to decline the knee replacement operation and join your LAJRAN regeneration program. At age 71, I am so happy and content with my pain-free mobility and I can live a normal life-except, no more rugby-just a spectator now.