
Orthopedic Regenerative Series: The Knee

This concise first edition offers hands-on guidance for identifying and treating the most commonly seen knee pathologies in regenerative orthopedic medicine . Convenient both as a study source for medical students, its many photographs and illustrations will also serve as a useful clinical reference for young surgeons, residents, nurses, and physician assistants. Each of the many topics is covered in depth and is designed to educate medical students and steer them towards formulating excellent diagnoses and treatment plans. As a further aid, using 3D images, the anatomy of the knee is discussed in detail. There is a section devoted to case studies that further illustrates common knee problems and their treatment. Recommended reading lists complete the chapters and provide direction for readers interested in delving deeper into particular topics. The author is an experts in his field of orthopedic regenerative medicine with 10 years of experience in the field of Orthopedic regenerative Medicine and over 20000 procedures, making the book a dependable source for timely, clinically relevant information.
Case Study Date: 1/19/2013